Dance Tuition Information & Policies for Academic Year Programs 2024-2025:

For adult classes, tuition fees are the same as regular class tuition fees. Our tuition fees are based on class length. You can find the adult class withdrawal and make-up policies on the Adult Dance page.


Sole City Dance requires the registration fee and first month’s tuition in advance in order to hold a student’s spot in a class and to be sure classes have the necessary enrollment to run.

Please understand that upon registration for a full-year course, you are responsible for the full-year tuition unless you notify us in writing 30 days before the next billing cycle. Our billing cycle is on the 10th of each month. For example, if you wanted to withdraw by December you’d need to notify us by November 10th and your drop date would be December 10th. If you notify us after November 10th your drop date would be January 10th.

If we are required to stop in-studio due to a health emergency we will transition to virtual classes. The withdrawal policy remains the same. If you do not formally withdraw from a class tuition fees are still due.

An annual administrative fee of $25 per student or $50 per family (3 or more students) will be charged for those participating in academic-year programs who wish to pay in 9 installments due the tenth of each month. Discounts on the administrative fee are given to those who pay for the year in full (no fee) or in 2 payments (50% off fee). If opting to pay via annual or semester you must notify us in writing so we can update your account. Those tuition fees need to be manually posted.

A fee of $30.00 will be charged for returned checks to cover bank fees and administrative expenses.

If paying in 9 installments payments are due at the time of registration and then subsequently on the 10th of the month (Oct 10, Nov 10, Dec 10, Jan 10, Feb 10, March 10, April 10, May 10). A $10 late fee will be applied to all tuition payments not received within 7 days of the due date (by the 17th of the month). When tuition becomes overdue by more than 14 days, the credit card on file will be billed for the full amount due. Any accounts with tuition more than a month overdue will be dropped from the class and unable to return until the tuition has been paid. If there is a waitlist for that class the student may lose their spot. If you are having difficulty paying for your tuition please reach out to Alex so we can help.

Tuition will not be prorated for missed classes due to illness, snow days, or scheduled holiday breaks. We run on a 34-week program calendar. All classes meet the same amount of times during the dance year.**

There are no refunds for short-term course or monthly tuition. At the discretion of the director, refunds may be given to those who have prepaid for half the year or full-year with written notice of withdrawal.

Registration for fall programs will not be allowed if a tuition balance remains on your account from the prior year or summer.

Please note: All tuition accounts must be current by the start of the winter holiday break or dance concert costumes will not be ordered for your child.

Full-year Class Payment Options:

  • Full Year Payment

    Payment due at registration, no administrative fee

  • Two Payments

    1st payment of 50% and administrative fee (50% off) due at registration, balance due by January 14, 2025

  • Nine Payments

    1st payment & administrative fee ($25 per student/$50 per family) due at registration, remaining 8 installments due monthly, October through May, by the 10th of each month (Oct 10, Nov 10, Dec 10, Jan 10, Feb 10, March 10, April 10, and May 10)

    Individual Class Tuition Rates for 2024-2025

Dance Class Length Annual Tuition 
Single Payment Upon Enrollment
Two Payments
1st Upon Enrollment, 2nd January 14th
9 Payment 
First Payment upon enrollment, the remainder on the 10th of the month Oct-May
1.5 hours $819 $409.50 $91
1.25 hours $729 $364.50 $81
1 hour $639 $319.50 $71
1 hour AERIAL* $801 $400.50 $89
45 minutes AERIAL* $702 $351 $78
45 minutes $531 $265.50 $59
30 minutes
$432 $216 $48
Company* $315 $157.50 $35
*Discounts do not apply to Aerial or Company rates.

Multi-Class Discounts

Number of Classes
Discount Percentage 
2 Classes 15%
3 Classes 18%
4 Classes 20%
5 Classes 23%
6 Classes 28%
7 Classes 30%
8 Classes 32%
9 Classes 35%
10 Classes 40%
11+ Classes 50%
Discounts do not apply to aerial and company classes.

Directions to figure discounted tuition:

1) Use the tuition chart to figure the regular cost of each class

2) Add up the total number of classes per week (excluding aerial or company)

3) Use the discount chart to determine % of discount

4) Apply that discount to the total regular cost of your classes (not including aerial or company)

5) Add in the price for any aerial classes or company class

Please write, call or stop by the front desk for assistance in figuring tuition.


Drop-ins are allowed for classes that have openings. Once we have closed registration for the year we do not accept drop-ins for performance classes. Dancers must register by phone (603-750-7777) or email ( at least 24 hours before the class. Payment is due at the time of registration and is non-refundable and non-transferable. All drop-ins must have an account in our system to register. You can make one here.

Drop-in Rates for Dance Classes

1.5 hours: $26

1.25 hours: $23

1 hour: $20

45 minutes: $17

30 minutes: $14


1 hour: $26

45 minutes: $23

Discounted Drop-in Rates for Musical Theater & Dance Industry Professionals

1.5 hours:  $23

1.25 hours: $20

1 hour: $17

45 minutes: $14

30 minutes: $11