Sole City Dance Company Information for the 2024-2025 Dance Year
Sole City Dance is pleased to offer two student dance companies, Solstice Dance Company, and The Young Company, which provide the opportunity for students who are passionate about the art of dance to:
learn challenging choreography at a faster pace.
participate in additional performance and learning opportunities.
become more self-aware, self-confident, and supportive of fellow artists; and
learn how to make a difference in their community through the power of their art.
Philosophy & Information:
All are welcome to join the various companies Sole City Dance offers based on your dancer’s age. The Solstice Dance Company is open to dancers ages 13+, and The Young Company is open to dancers ages 8-12. Company class is mandatory for all company members on Fridays. Depending on the choreographers’ availability, there is a chance the company class may be moved to a Saturday or Sunday. Dancers in each company will learn the choreography presented to the group. The choreographers will choose who will perform their piece.
We would like to remind you that Sole City Dance is a non-competitive dance program. We do not participate in the dance competition industry. SCD programs are instead designed to encourage the development of hard work, teamwork, creative thought, and the appreciation of artistic endeavors of all kinds. We strive to create artistic experiences which will inspire, enlighten and empower both participants and audiences. We humbly ask that parents support this philosophy through modeling and discussion with their dancers.
Rehearsal Process: Rehearsals will take place on Friday evenings during the scheduled company class time. The Young Company will meet on Fridays from 4:00-5:15, and Solstice will meet 5:00-6:30. If a choreographer cannot meet on Friday company class could be moved to a Saturday or Sunday. You will be notified at least two weeks in advance if that is the case. Depending on the piece or pieces you are cast in you may not rehearse every week.
Performance Opportunities Include: Sole City Dance’s Dance Northeast Festival, performances & master classes, Dancers Making a Difference, Prescott Park Arts Festival, National Night Out, Apple Harvest Day, Pumpkin Fest and Relay for Life. (Please note: not all dances are invited to perform at every event.) As additional performances are announced, you will have three days to inform the Company Coordinator if you have a conflict.
Company Requirements:
Companies are open to those enrolled in classes ages 8+.
Company members must take at least one technique class per week to participate. We strongly recommend being enrolled in a ballet class as it will help you improve in all styles.
There is a monthly tuition fee of $35. This fee covers the cost of the teacher, and rehearsal space. This fee does not change even if you are not required to be at all rehearsals during the month.
Dancers must take at least one master class at Dance Northeast. ($30 for one class).
The company t-shirt cost $30.
Costume fees are $50 total for the season (we will do the best we can to reuse items dancers already have for costumes).
Attendance Policy: Three excused company class absences are allowed from September 2024 through June 2025. If you miss a rehearsal where choreography is being set, you may be removed from the piece. You must alert us to any known conflicts you may have two weeks before the absence to help us plan rehearsals and pieces accordingly. If you are absent more than three times, you risk being removed from the pieces you have been placed in at the discretion of the Company Coordinator. We will take into account emergencies.
Once choreography is learned, and additional shows are added to the schedule, you will have three days from the announcement of the extra performance to let us know if you are available. If you cannot attend more than two of these performances, you may be removed from choreography at the discretion of the choreographer or director and replaced by an understudy.
Summer Requirements: We will be performing throughout the summer months. If you are not attending a summer-long intensive, we require you to attend summer company class. We will use this time to work on technique, restage pieces for summer performances or teach pieces to new company members.