The Sole City Dance Internship Program is a way for students to earn real-life experience in either dance teaching or administrative tasks while earning tuition credit. The teaching program is built to help students learn how to teach a dance class. From classroom management skills to class planning. As students progress through the program, they will be given more responsibilities as an assistant. The administrative program is a great way for students to learn how a business is run, how to communicate in a professional manner, and how to work within the community. Below you will find the breakdown of opportunities in the program. All students interested in the program must attend the training that is offered in June and then complete the online training before applying to the program.
Administrative, Teaching and Technical Opportunities for Young Dancers
Teaching Intern Program: Open to dancers grade 7 & up.
•Classroom assistant Year 1 – assist instructor with classroom management, age group 1 (young children’s or youth), $5 tuition credit per class you assist,
•Classroom assistant Year 2 – assistant instructor with classroom management, age group 2 (young children’s or youth), $5 tuition credit per class you assist,
•Classroom assistant Year 3 & 4 – prepare lesson plans, may substitute teach, $8 tuition credit per class you assist
•Classroom teacher year 5 & 6 – supervised teaching of either young children’s classes, youth level 1 class, in an outreach program, and/or substitute young children’s and youth classes, paid or work study
Teaching Intern Assistant Expectations:
Arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled class time
Be professional, show enthusiasm without being disruptive
Learn student’s names and work to connect with them
Notify instructor at least 2 weeks prior to an absence. If you are going to be absent it is your responsibility to find a substitute. If you are absent more than 3 days* you could be dismissed from the program.
Demonstrate proper technique, etiquette, and behavior in the classroom, as well as the studio
Dress appropriately and follow dancer dress code for each class.
*Emergencies and illness will be taken into consideration if those are the reasons you’ve exceeded the 3 absences.
Administrative Intern Program: Open to dancers grades 9 & up.
•9th Grade: Assist office manager with routine tasks 1-2 hours per week – $5/hr tuition credit or volunteer hours
•10-12th Grade: Assist office manager with more complex tasks 1-2 hours per week, $5/hr tuition credit or volunteer hours
•12th Grade (with at least 1 yr. experience in the program): Assist office manager with more complex tasks 1-2 hours per week, may sub at front desk, tasks include assistance in fundraising, marketing & social media, earns $8/hour* tuition credit
*must have at least one year of experience in the program otherwise the rate is $5/hr tuition credit
Technical & Production Crew Program: Open to dancers grades 9 & up
•assists in preparations and execution of traveling performances and theater performance, # of hours variable according to needs of each performance
•Preps equipment, assists in packing, transport and set up of equipment, arranges documents & music files
•Earns work study (rate dependent on tasks and hours worked)