Ballroom Social Dancing

Group Ballroom Class Schedule

Session IV: Waltz ~ March 7th to April 11th Fridays 6:30-7:30 PM

These adult classes offer partner dances that are enjoyed socially, for exercise, recreation, and FUN, in a warm, friendly environment.  If you have a passion for dancing and want to learn the styles of Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Cha-Cha, Salsa, and more, then this is the class for you!  Casual, loose-fitting clothes and shoes with either suede or leather soles are recommended.  (No Street Shoes Please) Couples and singles are welcome. Scroll down to see the style descriptions.     

Instructors ~ Joyce and/or Jim

Group Class Tuition Rates:
$75.00 per person for one session;
$142.50 per person for two sessions;
$202.50 per person for three sessions;
$255.00 per person for four sessions;
$300.00 for five sessions.

*Six person minimum per session. If we do not have enough enrollment to run a class you’ll be notified two days before the session begins. If you have already paid you’ll receive a full refund.      

**Drop-in rate is $15 per person per class.

***Upon registration for a 6-week course, you are responsible for the full tuition of the 6-week course. Payment is due at the time of registration and no refund or credits will be given for missed classes or absences during the session. If you wish to withdraw from the session prior to the start date we must be notified in writing 1-week before the start of class for a full refund. If you withdraw less than one week before the class you will be issued a 50% refund.

For more information email –

Scroll down to see the style descriptions.

Private Lessons – Offered All Year Long! 

Private Dance Lessons and Packages for Weddings and Special Occasions:   

Rates listed are per Single or Couple.  *All packages must be pre-paid. No refunds for miss sessions or last minute cancels.                                                   

Single Lesson        $50

3 Lesson Pkg.         $145

4 Lesson Pkg.        $190 

5 Lesson Pkg.         $235

6 Lesson Pkg.         $280

You can register for a private lesson here. You’re registration isn’t complete until you contact the studio to schedule. You can contact us by phone at 603-750-7777 or email at


The Waltz– (from the German “walzen”, meaning to roll, turn or glide) was the first dance in which the man and lady danced with body contact.  Waltz has materialized into two accepted forms known as Modern Waltz and Viennese Waltz both in keeping with the main characteristics of the dance, though at different tempos.  The Modern or Slow Waltz is done at a slower tempo, with long gliding steps, fewer turns, and more backward and forward movements.  The waltz is danced to ¾ time music, has an elegant rise and fall action and swaying to the sides.  It has a graceful and romantic feel.

The Foxtrot – Sometimes called the dance of Fred and Ginger, the Foxtrot made its first appearance during vauldeville time, when it was danced to ragtime music.  Modifications came when realized that ‘’trotting” couldn’t be sustained for long periods of time.   It evolved into a smooth and stylish dance much like the waltz, however, it is characterized with both slow gliding steps as well as quick steps with an easygoing look and feel.  It is danced to 4/4 time and has two rhythms which make it adaptable to many different music styles.

East Coast Swing – Evolved from the 1920’s when it was called Lindy first and then Jitterbug.  After emergence of the Big Band Jazz music and several modifications of the dance, it was renamed Swing and finally distinguished as East Coast Swing in the 70’s.  ECS is an upbeat and happy dance characterized by its bounce steps and rock-back break.  It is a stationary dance done to 4/4 time music.

The Cha-Cha – A lively, playful dance of Cuban origin which evolved from a slow version of the Mambo called “Triple Mambo”.  Originally danced to Latin Pop or Latin Rock music it became the latest dance craze of the 50’s in the U.S. when the Big Band instruments were popular.  Cha-Cha is an exuberant and non-progressive dance done in 4/4 time music, and distinguished by the syncopated triple step (chasse or shuffle).

Nightclub Two-Step – Sometimes called disco two-step or California two-step, is a casual, relaxed and slow dance created in the 60’s.  It is characterized by rock steps, long glides and a traveling cross step which are used to spice up a slow dance and make it more interesting.  NCTS is done to popular music with a slower tempo as well as smooth jazz music.  It can be a stationary or a progressive dance or a combination of the two.

Salsa – generated from the original Mambo or “Son” which is of African/Cuban influence and is danced to the rhythm of the African drums (or the slap of the conga).   It was danced side to side (Columbian Style) or forward and back (Cuban & Puerto Rican Style). The Latin Jazz Bands of the 40’ & 50’s used to yell “Salsa” (meaning HOT) and the when this style of dance became formalized by Eddie Torres in the 80’s, they called the dance “Salsa”.  The steps are characterized by a quick-quick-slow, 8 count pattern.  The New York Mambo Style breaks on counts 2 & 6 (the off-beats), whereas the L.A Salsa Style breaks on counts 1 & 5 (the downbeats)

The Street Hustle – is a partner version of disco dancing which was originally done as a line dance of the 70’s.  The partner version was created by Young Puerto Rican teenagers in NYC’s South Bronx. The Hustle became a popular scene in the disco clubs and ballrooms where they danced to the new modern Disco beat.  It is a fast moving, energetic dance characterized by its many turns.  It is non-progressive and mostly danced in a rotational slot.  After going through various modifications which included the Latin Hustle and the New York Hustle, it finally became the ever popular 3 count Street Hustle.  It lends itself to individual styling, with advanced dancers adding dips and lifts to punctuate the otherwise non-stop motion.

The Tango – Developed from many cultural influences beginning in Spain, Morocco, then Buenos Aires, Argentina, Paris and finally standardized in New York.  It was popularized by Vernon & Irene Castle right before WWI and then by Rudolph Valentino in a silent movie.  The tango is a dramatic dance with both cat-like and staccato movements.  Done in a close hold with bent knees,  the  tango is danced to 4/4 time music together with a marching rhythm and is phrased into 16 or 32 beats much like telling a story.

The Rumba – Known as the grandfather of all the Latin dances, Rumba is a very slow romantic dance, characterized by quick and slow steps, a still upper body and swaying of the hips.  Rumba music is written in 4/4 time with a very slow tempo.  It was greatly influenced by African style music, but has infiltrated many other popular music genres such as country, blues and rock.

The Merengue – Was born in the Dominican Republic and blended with African and French influence.  It is a fun, fast and easy dance made up of simple steps.  Merengue became popular in New York during the 30’s and 40’s.  The Big Band instruments contributed to its marching rhythm.  It is characterized by strong side to side motion with emphasis on counts 1 and 5.  The dance encourages creative arm movements to go with the simple steps.