An exciting notice for Sole City Dance Ballet Students and Families…
SCD now offers the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum!
We are thrilled to announce that our ballet program now follows the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum. Jacqui Young, an ABT Certified Teacher, has joined our faculty and will be facilitating the implementation of the curriculum along with our current ballet faculty.
What does that mean to current SCD ballet students?
Not much will change for students, the curriculum mostly affects our faculty and the progression of our ballet program. Teachers will remain the same and provide the same quality instruction, but with clearer goals and standards.
What is the curriculum like?
The curriculum is a nine-level program (starting with pre-primary through professional) that combines high quality artistic training with a focus on dancer health and whole-child development. The program embraces sound ballet principles and incorporates elements of the French, Italian and Russian schools of training. Artistically, the ABT National Training Curriculum strives to provide dance students with a rich knowledge of classical ballet technique and the ability to adapt to all styles and techniques of dance. There is also an optional adjudication element that students may participate in to receive detailed feedback about their progress.
Is there an audition to be in the program?
Students must take a placement class to be part of the ABT National Training Curriculum. This allows the faculty to group students cohesively in order to best reach the goals set forth in the curriculum. A placement class will be held both before and near the end of summer classes.
Our next placement classes are Thursday, June 13th. You can find more details and register by going to the general calendar.
If you have missed this year’s placement classes please contact us to set up an evaluation.
What should I expect at the placement class?
The placement class will be structured like a normal ballet class, starting at the barre and then moving into center and across the floor exercises. Classes will be broken down by age ranges. Dancers will check-in prior to their scheduled time where they will receive a number. Ballet faculty will observe each placement class. Students can expect to receive their level placement within three days of the class.
What should I wear for the placement class?
Dress Code for Class: Black leotard, tights (pink or skin tone), and ballet slippers (pink or skin tone). Long hair MUST be in a bun, if unable to put hair in a bun make sure it is pulled back and off the face. Short hair MUST be held off the face. -or- White leotard, black tights, white socks, white or black ballet slippers.
How can I register for a placement class?
If you are a current student you can register in your customer portal under events and classes then click on find events. If you are new to SCD you’ll need to use this link to our event calendar and pick the appropriate class for your dancer. We recommend taking the ABT level 1/2 Placement class for all students new to SCD.
If you are looking to be placed mid-year in our ballet program contact the Executive Director Alex at alex@solecitydance.org or 603-750-7777.
For further information email JacquiY@solecitydance.org.