Summer Class Levels Breakdown


Lil’ Tumblers - Ages 5-7 y.o. 0-3 years of Acro training

Acro 1/2 - Ages 7-12 0-3 years of Acro training

Acro 2+ - Ages 9+ at least 3 years of Acro training

Teen/Adult Beg Acro - Ages 13+ any experience


Little Flyers - Ages 7-9 y.o. 0-3 years of Aerial training

Aerial 1/2 - Ages 10+ 0-3 years of Aerial training

Aerial 3+ - Ages 13+ 4+ years of Aerial training

Adult Aerial - Ages 18+ no experience necessary


We follow the ABT National Training Curriculum. If you have not taken a placement class that is ok for summer classes but if you plan to enroll in the fall you’ll need to attend one of our placement classes.

ABT Primary/1 - Ages 7-11 y.o. 0-3 years of Ballet training

ABT 1/2 - Ages 10+ 2-4 years of Ballet training

ABT 2/3 - Ages 10+ y.o. 3-5 years of Ballet training

ABT 3/4/5 - Ages 12+ 6+ years of Ballet training

Pre-Pointe 1/2 - Ages 9+

Pre-Pointe 4/Intro to Pointe - Ages 10+ Permission Required contact us

Pointe - Permission Required Please contact us

Adult Beginner Ballet - Ages 18+ no experience necessary

Adult Int Ballet - at least 3 years of previous ballet experience

Hip Hop

Lil’ Hip Hoppers - Ages 5-7 y.o. any experience welcome

Youth Hip Hop - Ages 8+ any experience welcome

Teen Hip Hop - Ages 12+ any experience welcome


Jazz Mini’s - Ages 6-8 y.o. 0-3 years of Jazz training

Youth/Tween Jazz 1/2 - Ages 8-12 y.o. 0-3 years of Jazz training

Tween/Teen Jazz 2/3 - Ages 11+ 3+ years of Jazz training

Teen Jazz 4+ - Ages 13+ 4+ years of Jazz training

Contemporary Jazz - Ages 10+ any experience welcome


Modern Mini’s - Ages 6-8 y.o. 0-3 years of Modern training

Youth Modern 1/2/3 - Ages 8-12 y.o. 0-4 years of Modern training

Modern 4+ - Ages 12+ 4+ years of Modern training

Adult Contemp/Modern - Ages 18+ any experience welcome


The style of tap dance taught at SCD is jazz tap, also called rhythm tap. Keep that in mind if that is not the style you normally study as it is different from broadway tap.

Lil’ Tappers - Ages 6-8 y.o. 0-3 years of Tap training

Youth Tap - Ages 9-11 y.o. any experience welcome

Teen Tap - Ages 12+ any experience welcome

Adult Beg Tap - No experience necessary

Adult Int/Adv Tap - 3+ years of Tap training